Staff Spotlight: Shannon Griswold, Associate AIA— NEWS


We are delighted to announce the newest member to the Nacht & Lewis team, Design Technician Shannon Griswold!

How long have you been with N&L?

I’ve been with N&L since June 1st.

What’s your favorite type of cuisine? 

Italian, the ultimate pasta and bread!

What is your favorite movie?

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. If you love comic books, it’s a must-see film.

What do you enjoy doing on your downtime?

I enjoy photography and I find painting layers of landscape/architecture photographic exposures to be highly relaxing and meditative. I also enjoy making things: bookbinding, sewing, seed beading, painting, woodworking, designing, building random wants and desires to be ridiculously fun activities. As of late I’ve become addicted to Notion and spend my downtime organizing everything I can.

What’s your favorite season?

Fall is my favorite season. I love finding new cute clothes for my tiny – always cold – dogs. I love layering clothes, the colorful changes in trees, the brisk air in the morning and low roll of fog from the river, the cozy fireplaces and the drives in our Mini Cooper with our heated seats on, blanket across our laps, sipping hot chocolate while driving with the windows down. I enjoy that my body temperature is easier to regulate in the fall than the summer. There is also the atmosphere and commercial happiness everyone feels as they’re nearing the holidays and the food, the smell of amazing dinners when walking around our apartment complex.

What is one word you would use to describe yourself and why?

Perseverance. My life has been chocked full of obstacles, some that have nearly broke and destroyed me. I’m a determined woman who is obtaining my goals no matter how long they may take to achieve.

Do you have any pets?

I have four kiddos, all adopted from the Sacramento SPCA (where I volunteer). Ella is a Yorkie and weighs in at a whopping three pounds. She was adopted six years ago when she was 10. They aged her by the quality of her teeth, so we really don’t know how old she is – she was found on the street severely matted. She’s a little diva, we affectionately say she’s Mariah Carey in a three pound body.

We adopted Rocky when he was 12, he’s now 15 and completely blind. Rocky was surrendered by his original family because he was losing his vision. Rocky emotionally shut down on the adoption floor so our friends at the shelter called us and asked if we’d be interested in adding another senior Yorkie to our happy home. I can’t resist a tiny dog in need of love. So, we adopted all four pounds of his potato-ness.

Pre-pandemic we continuously fostered neonatal kittens. We LOVE them! My wife made a deal with me, I can’t adopt ALL of them, but I can choose one special little one. I ended up choosing two from the same litter of seven – a beautiful brother and sister – Siamese mixed with something else. As tradition we have a friend or family member name the kittens in each litter; my mom named their litter and we chose not to change their names after adoption, they are Grayson and Pandora (Pandy). Grayson is shockingly gray and lives his best life as a top of the cat tower sleeper with serious priorities of eating and sleeping. He’s massive and loves to cuddle. Pandy is white and gray with gorgeous blue eyes. She’s our little athlete and enjoys telling Grayson what for and how to. They both turned four this year.

What’s your favorite part of working in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry? 

Architecture is a beautiful puzzle. Its continuously a life love of learning, perfecting design skills, communication abilities, problem-solving, and growing a community towards a healthier life. We design the buildings where people spend most of their lives. Its such an honor and a massive responsibility. It’s one of, if not the, oldest profession in our history and I think it’s the coolest thing out there.

If you weren’t a Design Technician, what would you be doing?

Design Technician II? Senior Design Technician? Project Manager? Project Architect? Associate Principal? I have goals and want it all. I have so much passion for this field; I look forward to paying it forward and someday mentoring a newly hired Design Technician like those who are mentoring me. Its such an honor to both positions.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“With great power comes great responsibility.” – Uncle Ben (Spider-Man’s Uncle)…so really Stan Lee.

What inspires you?

Hope. The drive to be better. That everyone is just trying to survive, provide for their families and have an enjoyable life. To be optimistic even though at times things seem daunting. My experience is to keep pursuing those goals, its never too late.

What’s one talent you wish you had and why?

Humor. Another form of communication and bringing people together. Humor can have a massive influence on togetherness.

What is your dream vacation?

I’d like to take the love of my life on our honeymoon. We’d begin in Rome, Italy and spend a week there enjoying the sights and sounds of the bustling city, then we’d take the train up to Florence where I can show her all the fun places I learned about and frequented as a study abroad architecture student in college. We could spend an eternity there but would keep it to a week or so. Then we’d take the train again and make our way to Venice. Venice is a maze of waterways, little bridges, and architectural delight. We’d like to schedule the trip when the Architecture Biennale is active sometime during the fall.

Do you have any artistic talent? (If so, what is it?)

I can juggle. I used to be able to juggle clubs and small bats. Also, I can organize just about anything given the time and tools.

What is your favorite N&L past project?

I’m still learning about them as I find them all around Sacramento. I’m fascinated to learn more about the Elks Tower and the Alhambra Theater; both are gorgeous and meticulous in detail in every way.


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