Medical And Mental Health/Secure Environments


Client: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

Size: 45,000 - 65,000 sq. ft.

Completion: 2005 - 2013

Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build

Location: Multiple Projects At Six Institutions - Throughout California



In 2006, Nacht & Lewis was selected to design the next generation of medical and mental health treatment facilities for California Department Corrections and Rehabilitation. These were mandated to satisfy various lawsuits and improve inpatient and outpatient care.

Mental Health Housing and Treatment Facilities – Psychiatric Healthcare Facility, Crisis Stabilization
These facilities range in scale from 45 to 64-beds and they are designed to address the mental health treatment needs of patients requiring short-term crisis care, acute care and intermediate care. Each facility is “stand alone” at approximately 45,000 to 60,000 gross square feet. In addition to the treatment and housing components of the facilities, patient services include laboratory, phlebotomy, radiological services, dietetic services, pharmacy and a trauma and triage area consisting of a medical observation room, treatment room and nurse station area. Support areas include: administrative offices for senior and staff level treatment providers with appropriate staff lockers, lounge and conference room facilities. While designed to meet CBC 1227 (OSHPD 4) for licensed Correctional Treatment Centers, the requirements are nearly identical to the new code section CBC 1228 for licensed Acute Psychiatric Centers (OSHPD 5) addressing non-custodial secure facilities.

Enhanced Outpatient Treatment Facilities – Behavioral Health Programs
These treatment facilities are designed to provide outpatient services for persons with behavioral health issues. The planning is prioritized for visual supervision of all treatment room doors from the security stations, which also have visual control over the building entries. The buildings include: classrooms, group rooms, recreational therapy rooms, interview rooms, interdisciplinary treatment conference rooms and administrative offices and support space.

Key Features:

  • OSHPD 4 Licensed Correctional Treatment Centers
  • Compressed Design Schedule, Nine Months Including Public Works Board Approval
  • Building and Site Security
  • Large Site Grading Requirements
  • Construction within Secure, Operational Facilities
  • Energy Efficient Materials and Building Systems
  • Integrated Solar Rooftop Panels or Site Solar Arrays
  • LEED Silver and Gold

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