PROJECT—Public Safety

CHP Grass Valley Field Office Replacement


Client: California Department of General Services/California Highway Patrol

Size: 18,040 sq. ft. plus parking and fuel island structures

Cost: $8,074,905

Completion: April 2013

Delivery Method: Design-Build-Finance-Maintain

Location: Grass Valley, CA

Service: Architectural Design, Site Planning, Interior Design, Programming, LEED, Agency Review


Principal-in-Charge: Michael Corrick

Senior Project Manager: Michael Smith

Project Architect: Michael Patrick

Senior Design Technician: Julie Bettencourt

General Contractor: DPR Construction

Civil Engineer: Nevada City Engineering

Structural Engineer: Buehler 

Landscape: Karen Clausen

Geotechnical: Holdrege & Kull


Nacht & Lewis teamed with DPR Construction and Capitol Avenue Development to design and build a new field office facility for the CHP in Grass Valley. The team was awarded the project as the result of a Request for Lease Proposal issued by the California Department of General Services. In developing its best value response to the State, careful consideration of the site layout and grading allowed the team to preserve the proper adjacencies and site security while improving sustainability and saving a significant amount in site development costs. Because of the initial planning during the proposal phase, the team was able to eliminate most retaining walls, greatly reduce the quantity of soil removed from the site and shorten the construction duration by two months. The revised site layout also saved many of the mature trees.

The facility consists of a main building, which houses most of the operations, including the public lobby, patrol office, weapons storage, two-vehicle automotive bay, car wash and vehicle fueling system and a secondary building for radio equipment, storage and gun cleaning. In addition, it features an emergency generator, a covered parking facility equipped with photovoltaic panels, a filtration system to recycle water used to wash patrol vehicles, a fuel island and a 120-foot tall communication tower. The new facility is awaiting LEED Silver certification.

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