Placer County Main Jail Addition

CLIENT: Placer County
PROJECT TYPE: Justice / Corrections

The design of the housing addition, known as House 4, to the Placer County Main Jail included two major components. The first component was the new 192-bed maximum and medium security housing unit with new administration offices and a public visitation area. The second component was a controls upgrade project for the entire facility.

House 4 is located between two existing maximum security pods. House 4 has an elevated central control area with direct views into four maximum security pods, a dormitory, three recreation yards/areas, a multipurpose room, a classroom and the inmate entrance to the housing unit. This arrangement maximized visual control of inmates while minimizing staff required for operations. There are two maximum-security pods, which are designed for double bunking with eight cells on each tier equaling 32 inmates per pod. The other two maximum security pods are designed for single bunks with eight cells, one each tier, equaling 16 inmates per pod. The dormitory is designed for a 20-bed capacity.

The visitation area accommodates all new and existing housing units with 39 visitation stations broken up into four sections to control various populations. A separate control area has visual control of the visitation area, the public lobby and attorney-inmate rooms. Administration and shell space completed the design.

The controls project included the addition of a secure controls/electronics room to house new door monitoring, door control, intercom, video recording and CCTV equipment. Central control is reconfigured for new cabinetry, graphic control panels and security monitors.

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