Client: UC Davis Health System
Size: 9,106 sq. ft.
Delivery Method: Design-Bid-Build
Location: Sacramento, CA
Service: Pre-Design, Design, Construction Documents, Bid/Award, Construction Administration, Commissioning, Furnishings, Marketing, Technology Planning
Principal-in-Charge: John Flath
Senior Project Manager: DeAnn Splinter
Project Architect: Shawn Lankford
Senior Project Coordinator: Eric Tien
Senior Design Technician: Jinnelle Fong
Mechanical Engineer: Glumac
Electrical Engineer: EDGE
Structural Engineer: Buehler
Equipment Consulting: Criterion Systems
Cost Estimating: Prime Business Construction
Renovation of the existing UCDHS University Tower Central Processing Unit which includes the relocation and replacement of washing and sterilizing equipment and the associated plumbing, electrical and mechanical work. This project also includes the addition of a new IDF room, compressed air closet, DI water manifold closet, new rated corridor and update to existing staff locker and toilet rooms to comply with the 2013 California Building Code.
The purpose of this project is to increase the capacity sterile processing. The hospital plans to open additional pediatric and more common invasive surgical units in the near future. By re-opening the old Central Processing Unit (CPU) that was replaced on the opening of the SESP the hospital is projecting an increase in capacity and productivity.